My Story

     There are so many intricate details and experiences that led me to Bolivia. Looking back over the past few years of my life, it amazes me how God opened some doors and closed others which guided me on a path to eventually living out my passion and dream of being a missionary teacher. God is continually teaching me to trust in His timing and His plan for my life. He has used even the most discouraging experiences and heartbreaks I've endured the past few years for His glory and to lead me on an amazing journey here in La Paz, Bolivia. If someone would have asked me a couple of years ago where I imagined I would be at this point in my life, I never would've imagined I would be living overseas as a missionary teacher.

     After graduating from Anderson University in May of 2011 with a dual license in Elementary Education and ENL (English as a New Language), I received a long term ENL maternity leave position for the fall semester at the school where I student taught. Then, I was blessed to receive a 1st grade long term maternity leave position at the same school for the following spring semester. In June of 2012, following my first year of teaching, I went on a mission trip to El Salvador with a group of friends from my church. Even though it was only a week long trip, it impacted me more than I could've imagined. As we volunteered at the schools and served in the community through a Christian organization called Cedeinfa, God began to stir my heart and passion for serving overseas. I had been on 5 mission trips (3 of which were international), but this trip was different. I felt a calling to live overseas long-term in order to fully immerse myself in the culture, learn Spanish, and have the opportunity to reach people in the community on a more relational level.

     Upon returning home from El Salvador, I interviewed for and received a full time kindergarten position at the school I had subbed at the previous year. I felt at peace with accepting this position and quickly fell in love with teaching kindergarten. It must run in the family since my mom taught kindergarten for over 30 years before retiring. :) It was a blessing to work with an amazing, supportive team of teachers and to have my mom volunteer and help in my classroom at least once a week. In November, my good friend and college roommate, who was teaching in Bolivia, informed me that there was a kindergarten opening at Highlands International School in La Paz. Over the next few months, I prayed, talked with family and friends, and interviewed with the director. God gave me a sense of peace with this decision that I had never felt before. Even though I was nervous and unsure of many things, when I thought about teaching at Highlands or keeping my current position for the following year, I felt at peace with teaching and serving in Bolivia. I greatly miss seeing my students from the past two years and teaching with colleagues who had become like family, but I am excited for this new adventure!

     I've had to sacrifice many things to come to Bolivia and live out my dream and passion for being a missionary teacher, but I know God is guiding my every step and I feel incredibly blessed with my life and ministry here in La Paz. I would not be here without the incredible love and support of my family and friends. I love you all and can't thank you enough for your constant love, encouragement, and prayers!  

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